Sabtu, 22 September 2012

INSPIRATION : friendship bracelets watch

Yesterday I found this photo  and, I really in love with friendship bracelets.I need to know how to made this beautiful things so badly...
Sebelumnya aku memang udah pernah bikin bracelets watch , but that was so simple, and this stuff is really cute.
Masih berfikir gimana cara ngrajutnya :/ , sepertinya susah , harus ngerti teknik knitting. Lagipula sekarang gak ada waktu buat bikin hal hal seperti ini lagi :(


*not mine

3 komentar:

  1. itu friendship bracelet watch nya liat dimana ya? lucu banget pengen bikin deh. :)

  2. sis boleh minta nomor telfon/pin bb gak?aku pengen nanya nanya nih tentang gelangnya thanks

  3. Is this for sale? How much is the watch? :)

    Wulan Wu on
